信号屏可分为:冲击继电器型、智能PLC通讯型。 signal panel Can be classified as Impact of relay type ,smart PLC type. 信号屏可分为:光字牌显示、触摸屏显示。 signal panels can be divided into The light plate display,Touch screen display.
3.1 输入电压: (input voltage) DC48V、110V、220V
3.2 型式:(type) 冲击继电器型、智能PLC型 Impact of relay type ,smart PLC type
3.3 报警分类:(Classification of alarm) 事故、预告 (Accidents, forecast)
3.4 光字牌显示方式:(The light plate display mode) 光字牌、触摸屏 light plate ,Touch screen
3.5 光字牌数量:(The number of Light plate) 单屏64只 Single panel be consists of 64
3.6 绝缘电阻:(Insulation resistance) 一次接地≥10MΩ;二次接地≥2MΩ (the primary to earth is higher than 10MΩ; the secondary to earth is higher than 2MΩ)
3.7 绝缘强度: (insulation strength) 交流50HZ 2000V 1分钟 (1 minute) (alternative current 50HZ 2000V 1 minute)
3.8 可闻噪声: (Noise heard) ≤45dB
3.9 单屏外形尺寸: (Size of one Panel) 2260H×800W×600D
4.1 冲击继电器型(Impact of relay type) 采用冲击继电器形式,具有自动复归和重复动作的功能,分预告信号和事故信号。预告信号用电铃;事故信号用电笛。 Using impact form relay,has the function of automatic reset and repetitive movements,which be classified as forecast signals and accidents signals. Forecast signal with a bell and accident signal with electric flute. 预告信号和事故信号都有试验按钮和解除按钮。 Forecast signal has a test button and lift button and accident signal has it too. 各种预告和事故信号用无源触点的形式反映在光字牌上,光字牌采用LED发光二极管的形式。 All kinds of forecast signals and accidents signals in the form of passive contact reflected in light plate, light plate used LED light-emitting diodes as its model.
4.2 智能PLC型(Intelligent PLC) 西门子原装PLC+数字量扩展+触摸屏型式,PLC通过RS485通讯口采集数据,传输至触摸屏(屏上显示光字牌)显示事故或预告报警,同时在触摸屏上显示事故对象、性质、时间,并可通过打印接口打印数据。系统具有GPS时钟对时功能。 In order to display and transport a wide variety Property of accidents and warning signal(such as Object、nature、time) , Intelligent PLC with Original Siemens PLC、Digital Expansion and Touchscreen ,uses RS485 to communicate with each other. Finally,It can Print data and calibrate time though GPS. 预告信号用电铃;事故信号用电笛。 use the electric bell expressing warning signal;use electric flute expressing accident signal. 预告信号和事故信号都有试验按钮和解除按钮。 warning signal and accident signal equipped with Test button and release button
信号屏可分为:冲击继电器型、智能PLC通讯型。 signal panel Can be classified as Impact of relay type ,smart PLC type. 信号屏可分为:光字牌显示、触摸屏显示。 signal panels can be divided into The light plate display,Touch screen display.
3.1 输入电压: (input voltage) DC48V、110V、220V
3.2 型式:(type) 冲击继电器型、智能PLC型 Impact of relay type ,smart PLC type
3.3 报警分类:(Classification of alarm) 事故、预告 (Accidents, forecast)
3.4 光字牌显示方式:(The light plate display mode) 光字牌、触摸屏 light plate ,Touch screen
3.5 光字牌数量:(The number of Light plate) 单屏64只 Single panel be consists of 64
3.6 绝缘电阻:(Insulation resistance) 一次接地≥10MΩ;二次接地≥2MΩ (the primary to earth is higher than 10MΩ; the secondary to earth is higher than 2MΩ)
3.7 绝缘强度: (insulation strength) 交流50HZ 2000V 1分钟 (1 minute) (alternative current 50HZ 2000V 1 minute)
3.8 可闻噪声: (Noise heard) ≤45dB
3.9 单屏外形尺寸: (Size of one Panel) 2260H×800W×600D
4.1 冲击继电器型(Impact of relay type) 采用冲击继电器形式,具有自动复归和重复动作的功能,分预告信号和事故信号。预告信号用电铃;事故信号用电笛。 Using impact form relay,has the function of automatic reset and repetitive movements,which be classified as forecast signals and accidents signals. Forecast signal with a bell and accident signal with electric flute. 预告信号和事故信号都有试验按钮和解除按钮。 Forecast signal has a test button and lift button and accident signal has it too. 各种预告和事故信号用无源触点的形式反映在光字牌上,光字牌采用LED发光二极管的形式。 All kinds of forecast signals and accidents signals in the form of passive contact reflected in light plate, light plate used LED light-emitting diodes as its model.
4.2 智能PLC型(Intelligent PLC) 西门子原装PLC+数字量扩展+触摸屏型式,PLC通过RS485通讯口采集数据,传输至触摸屏(屏上显示光字牌)显示事故或预告报警,同时在触摸屏上显示事故对象、性质、时间,并可通过打印接口打印数据。系统具有GPS时钟对时功能。 In order to display and transport a wide variety Property of accidents and warning signal(such as Object、nature、time) , Intelligent PLC with Original Siemens PLC、Digital Expansion and Touchscreen ,uses RS485 to communicate with each other. Finally,It can Print data and calibrate time though GPS. 预告信号用电铃;事故信号用电笛。 use the electric bell expressing warning signal;use electric flute expressing accident signal. 预告信号和事故信号都有试验按钮和解除按钮。 warning signal and accident signal equipped with Test button and release button